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About RMI Expeditions

About RMI Expeditions

Getting safely up and down mountains is just the beginning of the story at Rainier Mountaineering, Inc. (RMI). Founded by the legendary Lou Whittaker and staffed by the most experienced and talented guides in America, RMI has built a five-decade-long legacy of safe, successful, and enjoyable mountaineering adventures.

RMI has been setting the standard in mountain guiding excellence since 1969.

Experience matters in the mountains, and that is exactly what we have gained over the last 55 years. From years of expedition guiding across the globe, including pioneering explorations into the remote Himalayas, to over 300 successful Denali Expeditions and 80,000 climbers on Mt. Rainier, our resume speaks for itself. This depth of experience is a testament to our unwavering dedication to mountain excellence and a legacy we continue to build with each new adventure we embark upon.


RMI Expeditions strives to provide the safest mountain experience possible.


Safety is our number one priority. RMI guides draw from their wealth of mountain knowledge, experience, and training to make sound decisions that improve your chance of reaching the summit while maintaining the necessary margin of safety.


RMI Expeditions' goals are:


At RMI, diversity and inclusion are central to our values. We are focused every day on offering the best climbing experience to all who wish to challenge themselves in the mountains. Please contact us if you are a climber with particular dietary requirements, language, physical abilities, or background. We will endeavor to meet your needs.


One of our principal goals is to see our clients reach the summit. Climbing requires a significant amount of time, money, and energy for every summit attempt, and the greatest chance of safely reaching the summit lies with the high-quality and caring guides who are the core of our company. We understand that many climbers often define their success as reaching the top of the mountain, and we enthusiastically strive to see them achieve that goal. However, whether we reach the summit or not, we also strive to allow our clients to feel that the attempt is a worthwhile and meaningful experience in the mountains.

Summit of Vinson Massif


We are privileged to have a business opportunity that operates within the fragile alpine environment. However, with this opportunity comes the responsibility of being a good steward of the resource.

Our Leave No Trace (LNT) outdoor ethic is held in the very highest regard. We guide and climb with the idea that protecting, conserving, and preserving the resources are critical, both for our own programs and for others who follow.

By arming our clients with the right knowledge, education, and training, we can responsibly protect the resource while climbing as a team on the mountain. We will take all reasonable and adequate precautions to minimize damage to all natural and cultural resources.

Climbing Mt. Rainier


Our climbers are educated about the environs in which our ascents take place. Our guides pass on the knowledge that has been gained through numerous years of guiding on Mt. Rainier, Denali, and throughout the world. Our guides are excellent teachers of the alpine skills set, Leave No Trace outdoor ethics, and safety skills necessary for safe, successful, and enjoyable climbs.

Little Switzerland, Alaska


Mountaineering can be both intensely challenging and deeply satisfying. Many of our clients find their mountaineering experience with us opens the door to a life of adventure. The ability to set high yet tangible goals, have rare chances to visit and experience unforgettable new places, gain greater respect for and understanding of the fragile beauty of the mountain environments, and forge new friendships all help make your experience with RMI an enjoyable adventure.

Boston Basin, North Cascades

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