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Arianna Drechsler Employee Statement

Arianna Drechsler Employee Statement

I started working for RMI's Warehouse team during the winter of 2023. I had just graduated from college in Wisconsin and knew that I wanted to spend time in the Pacific Northwest before applying to law school. I moved to Washington with the primary goal of completing more personal climbing objectives in the Cascades; at this time, a career in guiding was not on my radar. 


However, I quickly observed the high-quality opportunities that were being offered to entry-level guides at this company and decided that I wanted to return the following summer as a guide. My first season guiding for RMI was exactly what I had imagined it would be. The training that I was given as a new RMI guide made me feel confident and capable in my skills, even on my first Rainier trips. I recognize that ahead of me, there is ample opportunity for professional growth and expansion of my leadership skills within this company. 


In short, I love my job--from the settings that I get to call my "office" to the coworkers that I share them with. The glaciers and rock in the Cascades are spectacular, but the people that I work alongside are the stars of the show. I am honored to work with some of the best climbing partners and friends that I have ever met, in some of the most amazing terrain that I have climbed in.

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