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Felipe Guarderas

Born in Ecuador and raised in the high Andes; from an early age, Felipe had the chance to explore all the biggest mountains in Ecuador. By the15, Felipe had climbed most of the biggest mountains in the country. His passion for big climbs continued to grow. After his first big wall climb at 16, he pursed bigger objectives in Peru. He went to college in France and spent his free time exploring the Alps. After living in Europe for 6 years, Felipe moved to California he started his guiding career as a multi pitch guide. Throughout the years and with help of some sponsors and hard work, he was able to travel around the world to climb and establishing new routes in Pakistan, Africa, Europe, all over South America, including Patagonia on several occasions. 
Nowadays, the passion and motivation to climb and guide is as high as ever. Felipe is always excited to be playing in the mountains whether its climbing or more recently, paragliding.

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