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Leif Bergstrom

Leif grew up nordic ski racing and alpine skiing in Hood River, Oregon. The desire for bigger ski lines pushed him to learn more and become a well-rounded skier and mountaineer. Leif attended several universities before graduating from the University of Savoie Mont Blanc in France with a degree in outdoor sports design. Leif is an active member of the Hood River Crag Rats, the oldest mountain rescue team in the United States. Leif spends his summers guiding for RMI on Rainier, Denali, and in the North Cascades. His winters are focused on skiing in the Northwest and Chamonix, France. When he's not in the mountains you can find him surfing, sailing, or sewing some new gear.

Climbing Resumé


Upcoming Climbs for Leif

May 27,2025

Denali - West Buttress Expedition

July 29,2025

Mt. Shuksan - Fisher Chimneys

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