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Lou Whittaker

In 1969, Lou co-founded Rainier Mountaineering, Inc. (RMI), the leading guide service on Mount Rainier. Lou started climbing with his twin brother, Jim, at age twelve. By the time he was eighteen, he had climbed all the major peaks in Washington. At nineteen, he began guiding on Mount Rainier.

Lou, a legend on Mount Rainier, has over 250 summits while leading thousands of novice and experienced climbers to the 14,410' summit of Mount Rainier. He has also climbed in Alaska, the Himalaya, and the Karakoram. In 1984, he led the first successful American summit of the North Col of Mount Everest. The team consisted of guides that gained much of their knowledge while working for Rainier Mountaineering, Inc.

Lou and his wife, Ingrid, spent the winters in Sun Valley, Idaho, and the summers in Ashford for many decades.  Lou was very involved with many organizations. He was a founder and served on the board of Crystal Mountain, served as the Honorary Chairman for the Climb for Clean Air for the American Lung Association, he co-founded the Washington Park Fund with former MRNP Superintendent Bill Briggle, among many others.


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