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Mike Walter

Mike's love of the mountains is contagious; whether he is climbing, skiing, or sitting out a storm in a tent, you're sure to see a smile on his face. His search for adventure and wild mountain places has taken him all over the world, including a 2 year stint as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Ecuador. He has a B.S. in Biology and a M.S. in Environmental Studies, speaks fluent Spanish, is a Wilderness Emergency Medical Technician, and holds Canadian Level 2 and U.S. Level 3 Avalanche Certification. Mike has thru-hiked the 2,160-mile Appalachian Trail from Maine to Georgia, and has run numerous races including a marathon and an ultra-marathon. When not guiding, you'll find Mike climbing, trail running, and skiing in Colorado, where he is an Avalanche Forecaster for the Snowmass Ski Patrol in Aspen.


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