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Stella Johnson

Stella is from just over the Cascades. She grew up in Leavenworth, WA and was fortunate enough to be exposed to the outdoors by her parents through backpacking trips, mountain biking and skiing. By the time she was graduating high school, being and moving outside had become an essential part of her life. Her love of the outdoors led her to move to Norway for a year, where she continued to fall deeper in love with long days in the mountains, whether on skis or foot. She was drawn to a career in guiding with the hope that she can share that passion and love for the outdoors with others. When not clambering around Mount Rainier, Stella lives most of the year in Bozeman, MT, where she studies Snow Science at Montana State University, works as a supervisor at the university’s Outdoor Recreation Program, and spends as much time moving in fresh air as possible. On the occasion you don’t find her buzzing around the hills, you might find her baking bread, knitting or playing cards.

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