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Bolivia Expedition: Frank & Team Check in After Pequeno Alpamayo Summit

Hey everyone out there in blog land, this is Eric checking in from base camp in the Condoriri Group. Most of the team is snuggled into their sleeping bags for an afternoon siesta, because we already put in a full day of work by summiting Pequeño Alpamayo! After a 3am wake up call, we rolled out of camp in the darkness and made short work of the broad, rolling glacier that occupies the basin above our camp. By 7:30 we were at 17,500ft and the morning alpenglow turned all the peaks around us to a fiery orange. Words can't describe the immensity of the range. In every direction snow capped peaks roll out. The remainder of the route took us up steep snow ridges, over rocky towers and to a final summit that was smaller then a dinner table. The team crowded onto the small precipice and snapped a few photos before walking over the ridge to start the first lower. We are happy to report that everyone in the group made it. All for now. We head to La Paz tomorrow for a well deserved shower and respite before heading on to our next objective. RMI Guide Eric Frank

Comments (1)

Awesome!! Sounds stunning! Glad to hear you all made the summit! Congrats! Kim you amaze me!

Posted by: Ally on

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