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Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team Waiting on Weather

Monday, July 1, 2019 - 9:24 PM PT Denali is a mountain that definitely tests a group's patience. We woke up around 6 to look at the weather and Denali was still a bit too testy up high for us to make our move. This is to be expected when climbing big mountains and our team has accepted this challenge of waiting like a cobra to strike at our good weather window.... which will hopefully be tomorrow. The team is in great spirits and spent the day resting up and sport eating so we have the energy to get to the summit. Although not as nice as 14k camp, 17k is treating us well. Keep your fingers crossed for us for tomorrow! RMI Guide Mike Haugen and Team Siete

On The Map

Comments (5)

Well let’s just say, “Buzzard Butthairs” to another day at 17,200, and good for you for patience and persistence. No Denali Demons allowed, and may you soon reach your goal. Keep up that strong spirit.


Love Mom and Zeppelin

Posted by: Kristi Kennelly on

Wayne, Zach and Ian-how are those snacks tasting?  Hope you can summit today. Best wishes to the entire team. The summit awaits you!!!

Posted by: Aunt Kathy on

Wayne, Zach & Ian,  Good luck as you wait for the final ascent! We have our fingers crossed that it will be soon & successful! All the best, Lisa & T Lo

Posted by: Tom Lobkovich on

Bummer on that wind!  Back, foul forces of nature!  Back!
But now you have more time to work on those ice sculptures, yes?
Just keep enjoying your amazing accomplishments so far.  You are all doing so fantastic! 
Can’t wait to hear about everything when you get back home, Meggie!  I am so proud of you!
Love you bunches!
P.S.- Our place is a total mess.  You’re welcome. :)

Posted by: Victoria Buchanan on

May the Denali mountain spirits look favorably upon your group and give you good conditions to reach the summit.

Posted by: Carolyn Mason on

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