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Mt. Rainier: Ammon, Halliday, and Teams Reach the Summit!

The Four Day Climb led by RMI Guides Ben Ammon and Alex Halliday reached the summit of Mt. Rainier Early this morning. Ben reported steady winds of 15 - 20 mph with a cap forming. The team spent a short amount of time on the top before starting their descent. Congratulations to Today's Team!

Comments (7)

Thank you to our team leads Ben, Nevin and Grayson for getting us safely up and down. And for the stupid jokes, well, thanks for trying.

Posted by: Dawn on

Jason? You made it? Watched our amazing lightning storm last night and sent you encouraging thoughts! Congrats.

Posted by: Ruth on

Well done guys!  Such a great accomplishment!  I’m glad everything went smoothly!  Can’t wait to see the pictures and hear all about it!

Posted by: Jim on

I know this sounds crazy, but my sister said she is going on a solo hike up Mount Rainier today. She used to be a hiker, but she was diagnosed with bi-polar. Is it possible to go on a hike today? She said she signed up for a 4 day hike starting today. I can’t reach her since she said she was going. Do you have to be with a guide? I am worried she will drive up there and attempt a hike without proper equipment. We had to rescue her already when she set out to hike in the woods with no supplies. Is there any other hikes going up today? Thanks if anyone can help.

Posted by: Dave on

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!  So proud of you all!  Well done!

Posted by: Susan on

Fantastic! What a great accomplishment. Can’t wait to see photos

Posted by: John W on

Congratulations!  So happy for everyone!

Posted by: Colette on

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