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Denali Expedition: Frank & Team Train at 14,000ft and Make Carry

Monday, May 31, 2021 - 11:09 pm PT

Sunday, May 30th, started out clear and cold but quickly warmed up as the sun hit our camp. The good weather meant moral was high in 14,000' Camp as everyone who was acclimated and ready to go started to climb towards High Camp at 17,200'. We, of course, being new to this high elevation stayed in camp and watched the conga line turn into a log jam at the base of the fixed lines. We made good use of our day by brushing up on our fixed line and running belay techniques. At the end of the day a well worn trail was stomped in by the uphill traffic and left us feeling optimistic about our own plans to cache at 16,200'.

Today (May 31) the team braved a cold morning in order to get a head start out of camp.  We climbed up the fixed lines and cached at 16,250' on the West Buttress.   The afternoon turned into a scorcher on the way down as the solar energy made it feel like 90 degrees outside.  We returned to camp and had delicious burritos for dinner. 

RMI Guide Eric Frank

Comments (4)

Congratulations Norm and your team!  Stay safe and enjoy, can’t wait to see the pics and hear the stories!

Posted by: Linda Hill on

Elliot - looks like an incredible adventure!!  Hope you and the team stay safe and warm. Keep on trucking and enjoy the views!


Posted by: Alex Thornton on

Norm- I know you are in your element, having fun and being safe!  I’m sending your team luck to be able to summit!!  It was 87 degrees today in Maryland- I’m glad you all were warm coming down!  Enjoy the scenery and I can’t wait to hear all about this adventure in person!!  Love, Joanne!

Posted by: Joanne Leonberger on

Heidi! What a wild three days you’ve had. I hope your tent time allowed for some excellent Disney character contemplation, I hope you had knowledge of at least one animated character;)
Marco had the most FABULOUS birthday.  Started out with bacon and mangoes, mini golf/skate park and batting cages and ended with three cakes and whiffle ball. It will be easy for you to communicate directly with marco upon your return ;)
We miss you and love you!
Stay warm

Posted by: Allison Santana on

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