Mt. Rainier: Four Day Teams Turned back at 12,000ft
Posted by: Casey Grom, Tatum Whatford, Nicole De Petris, Drew O’Brien, Charlie Harrison, Avery Stolte
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 12,000'

The Four Day Climb May 17 - 20 led by RMI Guides Casey Grom and Tatum Whatford reached 12,000ft today before route conditions required that they turn around. The team enjoyed a beautiful sunrise with a cloud deck below. They returned safely to Camp Muir, packed up their gear and continued their descent to Paradise. The team will conclude their adventure this afternoon at Rainier BaseCamp.
PC: Tatum Whatford
Comments (5)
Early season is tough on Rainier. It’s more miss than hit until July 4th.
Posted by: Constantine on
We’re scheduled for a 5 day in mid-june… In looking through the blog I don’t see any successful summits this season… is there a summary we can see that provides some insight into how things are going in order to judge our chances (weather permitting) of success ?
Posted by: Doug Thompson on
What on the cleaver prompted the decision to turn around?
Posted by: Thomas Coleman on
The Cleaver has, in fact, been pretty disappointing, it would seem, but those views definitely are not!
Posted by: Some guy from Puyallup on
disappointment cleaver really earning its name so far this season :) way to make the best of the conditions at least. cheers to Caleb and the rest of the crew!!
Posted by: corey on