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Denali Expedition: Cifelli & Team Move Up to 14,000ft Camp

Wednesday, June 19, 2024 - 1-:20 pm PT

Beat Generation writer Jack Kerouac insisted: “Because in the end, you won’t remember the time you spent in the office or mowing your lawn. CLIMB THAT GODDAMN MOUNTAIN.”

Today was a big day for the team - 3200’ vertical over 3 miles. We moved from 11,000' Camp to 14,000' Camp and set up what will be our home for the next 4-5 days. Retracing our steps from 11,000' up the relentlessly steep Motorcycle Hill, up Squirrel Hill, onto Polo Field, up to Windy Corner, across crevasses and past the cache we left a few days ago, we finally crested the last slope and 14K camp came into view. Hiking through these massive cathedrals of rock and snow inspires awe. Traversing through these quixotically named places that mountaineering legends have written about enhances that awe so that it almost seems unreal.

Upon reaching camp, the task of sculpting our home out of snow was upon us. After a couple of hours, our tents were secure on the snow platforms we had built, while our tireless guides (and a couple of our tireless team members) crafted the kitchen and bathroom out of the bottomless glacier.

Most of us have been feeling the physical effects of altitude at 14,000' Camp, some more than others. Today, as in all other days, we rallied remarkably well as a team, pitching in and assisting to the best of our abilities to help one another and do what is needed for the team to succeed. It is a beautiful reflection of what humanity can be when a group of strangers with different backgrounds and in different stages of their lives can come together for a common cause and help one another to achieve a singular goal. While each of us has our own personal motivations for embarking on this great adventure, no doubt Jack Kerouac’s entreaty has something to do with why we are all here.

So let’s go team: let’s climb that goddamn mountain.

RMI climber Chris Brockmeyer

Comments (7)

Amazing to read all these entries and realize how far up and out into the expanse you are right now. I hope the next few days are the best yet. Can’t wait to hear back soon!

Posted by: Will on

What an amazing adventure for you all! The teamwork and dedication is inspiring! Can’t wait to hear more about this adventure when you get back, Chris! We have a martini glass chilling in the freezer…❤️

Posted by: Kathy M-H on

NHL Update to Expedition: The Oilers have beaten, and I do mean beaten, the Panthers three straight! Game 7 on 6/24. Stay safe, be well.

Posted by: Brad on

It is obvious from your posts that you are all being transformed by your amazing adventure. Hey Chris!, The seafood and steaks in a couple weeks are going to be soooooooo good! Best to all!

Posted by: Brad on

So enyoing reading all these wonderful accounts of working together and caring for each other on this wild adventure of yours! But especially yours, my Love ❤️

Posted by: Xenia on

Wow 14,000 feet great job to all. Dave rest and relax then attack the McKinley Mountain.

Posted by: Steven McKinley on

Love this blog post, Chris.  You got this, Chris and team!  Pulling for you (from the lower elevations in NJ).

Posted by: Rob P on

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