Mt. Rainier: Four Day Climb Summit!
Posted by: Joe Hoch, Jackson Breen, Evan Redman, Walter Hailes, Avery Stolte, Celeste Wilson
Categories: Expedition Dispatches Mount Rainier
Elevation: 14,410'

The Four-Day teams led by RMI Guides Joe Hoch and Jackson Breen summited this morning in good weather. They reached the top at 6:00 am taking 6 1/2 hours due to many climbers on the route. The team spend time on the summit before starting their descent, they return to Paradise this afternoon.
Congratulations Team!
Comments (2)
Wow! You did it OLIVIA!!!
Posted by: wendy sobol on
Congratulations to all! Great job Olivia!! Another check off your list.
Posted by: Grandma Seaver on