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Entries By calvin jiricko

Mt. Rainier: High Winds Prevent Five Day Teams from Ascending

The Five Day Climb led by RMI Guides Andy Bond and Ben Luedtke reached 11,200' today and watched the sunrise from Ingraham Flats.  High winds with higher gusts kept the teams from ascending any higher.  The climbers returned safely to Camp Muir and began their descent to Paradise around 9 am.  They will conclude their program this afternoon.

PC: Arianna Drechsler

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Congrats on your adventure.  Can’t wait to hear the stories.

Posted by: Patrick VDH on 6/11/2024 at 2:53 pm

Mt. Rainier: Bealer, Whatford & Five Day Climb Turned by Weather

June 3: The team started their descent from Camp Muir at 7:30 AM PT today.  We expect them to arrive at Paradise around 10 am.

The Five Day Climb May 30 - 3 June led by RMI Guides James Bealer & Tatum Whatford reached the top of Disappointment Cleaver, 12,300', today before deteriorating weather forced them to descend.  The team is enroute to Camp Muir. They will spend the night at Camp Muir tonight and descend tomorrow. 

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Great effort for the team in spite of the awful weather conditions this weekend. Don’t give up hope on a future summit attempt. Took me 3 times before summiting.

Posted by: Neil Schweitzer on 6/2/2024 at 12:11 pm

Mt. Rainier: Cloud Cap Turns Climb Around

The Mt. Rainier Four-Day climb led by RMI Guides Dave Hahn and Sam Hoffman turned around at 11,500 this morning due to deteriorating weather. They are currently enjoying a sunny Camp Muir morning. They will recollect themselves at Camp Muir before their descent back to Basecamp in Ashford this afternoon. Nice work team!

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Mt. Rainier: Four Day Teams Climb to Ingraham Flats

The Four Day Climb May 9 - 12 led by RMI Guides Steve Gately & Avery Parrinello reached Ingraham Flats, 11,200', today before poor route conditions forced them to turn around.  The teams enjoyed a beautiful morning on the mountain and did a bit of training, then returned safely to Camp Muir.  As of 9 am they had begun their descent from Camp Muir to Paradise. We expect to see them back at BaseCamp in the early afternoon.

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Mt. Rainier: Four Day Climb Teams Turned Back by Winds

The Four Day Climb August 7 - 10 led by RMI Guides Andy Bond & Jess Wedel did not reach the summit today due to gusty winds.  The teams left Camp Muir on their alpine start but turned around at Ingraham Flats due to wind.  The teams returned to Camp Muir and climbed Muir peak to enjoy the sunrise. Photos above are from RMI Guide Calvin Jiricko.

The teams plan to descend from Camp Muir after 9 am today.  We expect them to return to Rainier BaseCamp in the early afternoon.

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Mt. Rainier: Four Day Teams Unable to Climb

The Four Day Climb August 3 - 6 was unable to make a summit attempt due to continued rain throughout the night. RMI Guide Nikki Champion reported that rain began at Camp Muir around 10 pm and continued throughout the night. Light rain continued to fall this morning. The teams are planning to leave Camp Muir around 9:30 am heading downhill to Paradise.

We expect them to return to Rainier BaseCamp in the early afternoon.

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Being a first-timer, although the trip turned out to be incomplete, took away a couple of things from the experience:

1. Now I know that it is doable and will come back to get to the summit next year
2. The basic training and know-how will be helpful for future activities (thanks to all the guides)

Personally, I thought, although summitting was out of the question due to bad weather, going up to Ingrahm flat was possible in the morning and would have given us some experience regarding rope travel. Not sure, if something else other than the weather was under consideration for this decision not to go to Ingrahm flat

Finally, I plan to come back next year. Would it be possible to get some sort of concession that time due to the fact that we could not do the second part at all this time around?





Posted by: Manoj Devasarma on 8/9/2023 at 4:24 pm

Mt. Baker: Easton Glacier - Summit!

The Mt. Baker - Easton Glacier Team led by RMI Guide Dan May reached the summit at 9:30 am. The entire team stood on top! The team is back at camp where they will celebrate, re-fuel, and have a full night sleep before descending to the trailhead tomorrow.

Congratulations Team! 

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Mt. Rainier: Footprints of Fight Team Summit!

The Footprints of Fight team reached the summit of Mt. Rainier early this morning. RMI Guide Brent Okita reported clear skies and a breezy morning on the summit. 

These climbers have trained to climb Mt. Rainier for a year while raising funds to support their mission. Footprints of Fight is a organization that is dedicated to providing services for the family and patient of pediatric cancer in Washington while going through the treatment process. The purpose of these services is to reduce the family's stress of everyday life through which increased levels of courage, optimism, strength, and resiliency will form to help the family conquer cancer in present and future.

Congratulations Team for your efforts on and off the mountain! 

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Mt. Rainier: Teams Stand on Top!

The Four-Day climb led by Casey Grom and Joe Hoch reached the summit this morning. RMI Guide, Joe Hoch, reported a cold and clear morning on the summit. They were headed off the crater rim around 6:50am this morning and will be back in Basecamp this afternoon.

Nice work team!

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Mt. Rainier: Whatford and Team Reach Summit via Emmons Glacier

The Expedition Skills Seminar - Emmons June 30 - 5 July reached the summit of Mt. Rainier today.  After several days of training and ascending via the Emmons Glacier, RMI Guide Tatum Whatford and team left Camp Schurman this morning for their summit attempt.  The team reached the summit around 8:30 am.  It's a beautiful day on the mountain and after enjoying some time in the crater the team will return to Camp Schurman.  Tonight is their last night on the mountain, tomorrow they will descend to the trailhead at White River and make the drive back to Rainier BaseCamp.  We look forward to seeing them tomorrow afternoon. 

Nice work team!

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Nice job team!  Way to go Calvin!!

Posted by: Wallis Shoppy on 7/4/2023 at 10:47 am

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