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Entries By jenny konway

Mexico’s Volcanoes: Frank & Team Checking In from Ixta’s High Camp

Our day started with a 7am wake-up call, followed by hot coffee, eggs and some of the best papaya we'd ever had. While we enjoyed our breakfast, we took in the view, as Popocatepl put on a show for us, spewing large clouds of ash and smoke into the morning sky. 

We finalized our packing, loaded our gear into the van and headed to the trailhead to start our hike to high camp. The team did a great job, arriving at high camp in good spirits and in good time. After setting up tents and getting moved in, we all took a well deserved break before coming together for dinner. Once we'd had our fill of soup and quesadillas, we discussed our plan for tomorrow's ascent, said good night and headed to bed.

Wish us luck as we head out tomorrow for our hopeful summit of Ixtaccihuatl!

RMI Guide Jenny Konway

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Mexico’s Volcanoes: Frank & Team Staging for Ixtaccihuatl

After a nice long night of sleep to recover from our acclimatization hike, the Mexican Volcanoes team was up bright and early this morning to move toward our first objective- Ixtaccihualtl. 

This climb will be a multi-day process, but we are already in a good position. Tonight the team is staying at the Altzomoni Hut at 12,700ft. We spent the evening packing for tomorrow, enjoying carne asada tacos and watching the sunset on the volcano across the valley. 

Everyone is excited for the climb and looking forward to getting higher on the mountain tomorrow. 

Wish us luck and thanks for following along.

RMI Guide Eric Frank

On The Map

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We are all wishing for you excellent weather and a safe and successful journey up the mountain!!

Posted by: Jean LeTellier on 2/18/2020 at 5:08 am

Mexico’s Volcanoes: Frank & Team Gather in Mexico City, Start Acclimatization

Today was an event filled day for the RMI Mexico Volcanoes team. We started out bright and early with a delicious breakfast at Hotel Geneve, followed by a quick drive to our base for the night, La Malintzi. Upon arrival, we changed our shoes, put on some sunscreen and readied ourselves for our first acclimatization hike of the trip. Expansive views of the Tlaxcala region were enjoyed by all as we made our way up the mountain. The team did a great job, making quick work of the ascent trail. After four hours of hiking, we took our last break and started our descent back downhill to where an asado awaited us for dinner. In addition to the above, we also welcomed our last teammate who, due to flight complications, had to catch up with us here. With a full team and all of our luggage in hand, we're ready to head out early in the morning. Next stop, Altzimoni hut!

RMI Guides Eric Frank & Jenny Konway

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Great picture of the team love your smile Paul! Looks like you are having fun!

Posted by: Judy Neumann on 2/23/2020 at 6:17 am

Mt. Rainier: RMI Teams Radio from Summit on Another Beautiful Day

RMI Guides Brent Okita and Jenny Konway led the Four Day Climb September 2 - 5 teams to the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning. Brent radioed the RMI office just after 7 AM that the teams were approaching Columbia Crest, they had reached the crater rim at 6:40 AM. It's another beautiful day on the mountain with clear skies and winds 15-20 mph. The team left the summit at 7:45 AM headed down hill. The program will conclude this afternoon with a cheers to their accomplishments.
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Yayyy!  So happy they made it!!

Posted by: Leigh carson on 9/6/2019 at 2:58 pm

Mt. Rainier: Frank, Konway & Teams Reach Summit on Beautiful Day

RMI Guide Eric Frank thinks it's a beautiful day to climb Mt. Rainier. Eric along with RMI Guide Jenny Konway and the Four Day Climb August 23 -26 reached the summit just before 7 AM today. The team reported clear skies but with strong winds from the top of Disappointment Cleaver to the summit. The teams enjoyed almost an hour in the crater enjoying the views before starting their descent. Once back at Camp Muir they will repack and get ready for the final descent to Paradise. Their program will conclude with a celebration at Rainier BaseCamp this afternoon. Congratulations to today's climbers!
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Marlena, you are my hero!

Posted by: Angela Gordon on 8/26/2019 at 5:44 pm

Congratulations, Emmy, well done! One more down on your Bucket List!!

Love you!


Posted by: Evie D on 8/26/2019 at 10:46 am

Mt. Rainier: Konway and Paradise Train and Summit

The Expedition Skills Seminar - Paradise met on August 11 with a full day of Technical training at Rainier BaseCamp. The following morning they loaded their packs and headed for Paradise. The team spent the next several days training on the lower slopes of Mt. Rainier and culminated their adventure by standing on the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning. RMI Guide Jenny Konway reported a great day on the upper mountain with some breezy conditions. The team will make a complete descent today and return to Rainier BaseCamp this afternoon to properly celebrate their accomplishments. Congratulations to the ESS-Paradise team!
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Mt. Rainier: August 2nd Update

The Mt. Rainier Summit Climb teams, led by RMI Guides Casey Grom and Jenny Konway, were unable to summit this morning. They stayed at Camp Muir due to high winds and rain. The teams will begin their descent to Paradise later this morning.
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Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team’s Adventure Complete

Monday, July 8, 2019 - 7:36 PM PT We woke up yesterday to a fabulous day to fly back to Talkeetna. Our monumental effort to get back to basecamp and the airstrip paid off as we barely had time to make coffee in the morning before the Otter ski planes came to pick us up. We returned to shocking 90 degree temperatures. Having been on an icy mountain for the better part of the month, our sweat glands definitely got a workout. The crew exploded their packs and duffel bags, dried out and sorted gear, and then repacked for our travels home. After a dinner to celebrate our amazing adventure together, everyone needed the sleep we were deprived of for the last few days. Thank you RMI Siete for the great adventure and the amazing efforts and attitude that lead to a very successful expedition. RMI Guide Mike Haugen
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Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team Arrive Back at Airstrip

We left 14,000' Camp this morning on a mission. We were going to make it to Kathiltna Basecamp. We packed up our heavy packs and sleds and headed downhill. The weather was just right for our long haul. We had a nice breeze all day that kept us from cooking on the sometimes brutally hot lower glacier. We worked our way well over 10 miles of glacier and finally found our way to a deserted Basecamp and airstrip. Since it was too late for the ski planes to come and pick us up, we hunkered down, set up camp, and ate a nice dinner. We even found a couple of beers in our cache. I wonder how those got there? RMI Guide Mike Haugen and Team Siete

On The Map

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Welcome Home…almost.

Love Mom and Zeppelin

Posted by: Kristi Kennelly on 7/7/2019 at 9:46 am

Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team On Their Descent

Friday, July 5, 2019 - 11:02 PM PT We woke up when the direct sun hit our tents and sprung into action. We had done coffee and ate some breakfast and headed downhill. After a great climb along the ridge out of 17,000' Camp, we hit the fixed lines and made our way down to 14,000' Camp. Since the temperatures have been so warm lately, we decided to set up camp here at 14k. We will head further downhill when the temps are cooler and the glaciers are more frozen. We will see how far we make it on our walk out tomorrow. We may make it as far as Basecamp and catch a plane tomorrow. If the snow gets too soft, we can camp one more night and head back to Talkeetna the next day. Let's hope for a good freeze! RMI Guide Mike Haugen & Team Siete

On The Map

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I bet you are all ready to get off the mountain- Meghan did you bring any wine to celebrate?
Congratulations and hope everyone has an easy descent!
Hugs, Lisa

Posted by: Lisa Miller on 7/6/2019 at 10:43 am

Who ever thought you would need cooler temps to continue?  Prepare yourself.  It’s 100 degrees and higher, in many states throughout the US, and California has had its share of earthquakes/aftershocks during the past 2-3 days.

Enjoy yourselves and be safe as you complete this amazing journey. Kristen is looking forward to seeing you,Tym. Don’t forget to send a few pictures.


Love Mom and Zeppelin

Posted by: Kristi Kennelly on 7/6/2019 at 9:58 am

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