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Entries By luke wilhelm

Aconcagua Expedition: Wilhelm & Team Ascend to Camp 1

Day 10

Leaving the ruckus of Basecamp behind, the team enjoyed a smooth ascent to Camp 1 today. The massive rock buttresses of the upper mountain certainly made us feel tiny. It is peaceful moments like today, in epic places like this where we are reminded of how small we all are. It feels great to be established on the upper mountain.

Till next time,

RMI Guide Luke Wilhelm

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You may be (feel) small, but, you are giants of courage! Breathe, take it all in, this will become you as you move through the rest of your lives.

Posted by: Terri L. Jennings on 1/31/2022 at 8:21 am

Aconcagua Expedition: The Soul of a Climber

The Soul of a Climber 


The mountains hold the soul,

And light fire in the hearts of some men.

It leads them to do things,

Others don't just understand.


It's not only the summits,

Though that's what we oft speak of.

It's the journey, the effort,

And so much more that we love.


It's trekking the valleys,

That lead to the trailhead.

And the anticipation of adventures,

During the journey ahead.


It's the early morning sun,

As if it illuminates the peaks.

All through the day until sunset,

These are the beauties we seek.


We realize it will take effort,

That there will be moments of pain.

But the mountain gives more back,

It is much more of a gain.


It's the time spent with others,

Telling tales of past climbs.

And of more ventures ahead,

That excite each climber's mind.


There is time spent together,

There is tile spent alone.

But mostly it is time in the mountains,

In this place we call home.


The time comes to leave, 

It invariably does.

But our hearts and souls have been nourished,

By these sacred mountains we love. 


-Tim Cavanagh

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Hola, Tim and the Team!  We hope your lungs are cleansed and your hearts are filled in your dance with Mother Nature.  We are right behind you in spirit.  Love, D and I

Posted by: Dick and Irene Simpson on 2/1/2022 at 9:47 am

To our dad and his fellow mountaineers,

Your journey brings envy to our “home isolation”
but hope you’re enjoying God’s Divine Creation.
The mountains are beautiful and treacherous at best,
We hope you are eating, hydrating, and getting adequate rest.
You’ll be climbing and slogging through all sorts of weather
Just think of the camaraderie and memories you’re making together.
It is one of the best parts of these expeditions no doubt,
Along with reflection, prayer, and a few curses throughout.
We’re praying for you all and especially the “Soul of a Climber” who’s soles imprint on the trail
And look forward to you regaling us with your long mountaineer tale.

We love you, dad!

Love and God Bless,
Chris, Bo, Lillian, and Carl

Posted by: ChrisBoLillianCarl on 1/30/2022 at 8:33 pm

Aconcagua Expedition: Team Carries Gear Above Base Camp

It's easy to forget how wild it is here. Over the past several days we have been surrounded by the hustle and bustle of helicopters, mules, and other climbers rushing in and out of Aconcagua Base Camp. Today brought a lovely change. Carrying our gear higher and higher, we were reminded of how incomprehensible the land we are exploring in is. The surrounding mountains took depth and the air became noticeably thinner. It was calm. No wind, no helicopters, no loud music. Just climbing. Wonderful. 

Till next time,

RMI Guide Luke Wilhelm & Team

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So excited for you Richie! Can’t wait to hear all about this and see pics. You are a rockstar!

Posted by: Andrew Hatfield on 1/29/2022 at 11:37 am

Sounds amazing! Keep it up and enjoy the adventure everyone!
We love you and miss you Pops! We’re all rooting for you!

Posted by: Noel Imfeld on 1/28/2022 at 9:29 pm

ACONCAGUA EXPEDITION: Team Enjoys Rest Day at Basecamp

The team enjoyed a well deserved rest day at Basecamp. We spent the time napping, reading, and preparing gear for tomorrow.  Optimism and hope flowed out of our dining tent this evening as we were finally able to see the climbing route above us. We feel recovered and ready for what lies above. 

RMI Guides James, Luke, David & Team

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Joe 1 foot in front of the other.
We are rooting for you, and wishing were there with a Cold Coke

Posted by: Daryl and Katie on 1/28/2022 at 9:35 am

Aconcagua Expedition: Wilhelm & Team Arrive at Basecamp

The sun got a little brighter for us today, as we moved up to Plaza de Mulas. One only needed to look up from the trail to realize the unique contrast of the environment we were in. Dusty desert gave way to ice covered peaks, appearing to rocket upwards in an attempt to reach outer space. After a long day on the trail, we were greeted with good food and shade. 

Till next time,

RMI Guide Luke Wilhelm 

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Hope y’all are getting plenty of rest and are gently stoking the fire within you for the adventure ahead.

Dad, to six years of recovery and hard work! You are a bad A! Proud of you! We are with you each step of the way! 

Rest Easy,


Posted by: Kelly on 1/27/2022 at 6:48 pm

So excited to hear about your trip -  we are following along hoping for good weather and good companions along the trail.  Give us some colors and feelings in your emails so we get the full view from up there in the thin air.  Good Luck and be safe.  N. and P.

Posted by: Sandy and Dick on 1/27/2022 at 10:53 am

Aconcagua: Wilhelm & Team Enjoy Acclimatization Hike and great Views

It wasn't the wind that blew us away, it was the view! The south face of Aconcagua towered over us all day. Impressive, humbling, breathtaking, epic. We soaked it all in during our acclimatization hike. While not the route we are climbing, it was a good reminder of the challenge that lays ahead. Our spirits are as high as the mountain itself. 

Till next time,

RMI Guide Luke Wilhelm

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What a great shot of you all.
Some people want it to happen, some wish it would happen, others MAKE IT HAPPEN. What a great journey you are on! Have a great day of climbing tomorrow! You got this!
Big hug to my guy Tim. Teri

Posted by: Teri Derr on 1/26/2022 at 10:03 am

Aconcagua: Wilhelm & Team Hike To Camp Confluencia

We hit the dusty ol' trail today! A gentle breeze at our backs encouraged us towards Aconcagua. The hike to Camp Confluencia was filled with good conversation and lots of laughter. With every step, life is getting simpler and simpler. We are all in such awe of this place. 

Till next time,

RMI Guide Luke Wilhelm

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I hope you’re having the best time, Richie!

Posted by: Kim Ehart on 1/25/2022 at 12:02 pm

Sounds like a great start for a great team. Safe climbing to you all!

Posted by: Noel Imfeld on 1/24/2022 at 8:43 pm

Aconcagua Expedition: Wilhelm & Team Depart Mendoza, Prepare for Trek

After several long days of travel, the team has fully arrived. The glowing Argentinian sun has welcomed us with open arms. With bellies full of steak, the team has enjoyed the slow pace of life here. Everyone is in high spirits as we finalize our packing for the expedition ahead. 

More to follow,

RMI Guide Luke Wilhelm 

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Richie, my love, I am so happy to hear you made it to camp 2!!! It sounds like it was a really tough push, but the view is well worth the journey (of course!). So happy that you have an awesome team to support you and celebrate with through these milestones. I’m with you every step of the way, sweetie! Our fur babies and the whole family send their love. Rest well with the team today. Love you so very much <3

Posted by: Amanda Schimkus on 2/1/2022 at 8:40 am

Go Team! Rest up and enjoy your expedition.

Posted by: Jane on 1/31/2022 at 6:49 pm

Mt. Rainier: Team Turns Due to High Winds

From RMI Guide Hannah Smith: The Mt. Rainier summit is not guaranteed but the rising sun is. Gusty winds made for a high point at Ingraham Flats- short of the summit but still challenging.  Our team is packing up and heading downhill shortly.

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Mt. Shuksan: Parrinello & Team Reach Summit via Sulphide Glacier

RMI Guide Avery Parrinello and the Mt. Shuksan Sulphide Glacier August 16 - 19 team reached the summit of Mt. Shuksan yesterday.  Avery reported they had a beautiful summit day and had safely returned to camp for the evening.  Today the team will break camp and continue down to the trail head concluding their program.

Congratulations to all the climbers!

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