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Entries By mike haugen

Mt. Rainier: Haugen & Kautz Seminar Team on Top!

RMI Guide Mike Haugen checked in via radio at 7:40 am as the Kautz Seminar July 18 - 23 team was just reaching the crater rim.  The team did well and climbed strong from their camp at the top of the Wapowety Cleaver.  After enjoying the views from the summit the team will descend via the Disappointment Cleaver route.  This group met at Rainier BaseCamp on Sunday, July 18 and after two days of off mountain training began their ascent via the Kautz Glacier Route.  Their time on the mountain included glacier travel training as well as focusing on techniques required for the current conditions on the upper mountain.  The team will conclude their program with a celebration in Ashford later today.

Congratulations to the Kautz Seminar climbers!

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Amazing accomplishment Dustin! Can’t wait to hear all about it!!

Posted by: Rose on 7/24/2021 at 12:48 pm

Way to go Dustin!  We are so proud of your accomplishments!  Can’t wait to hear about your expedition when you get back to work!  Your fans at iMemories!

Posted by: Sheila Beals on 7/23/2021 at 11:56 am

Mt. Rainier: Haugen, Mazaika and Four Day Teams Reach Summit

The Four Day Climb led by RMI Guides Mike Haugen and Bryan Mazaika reached the summit of Mt. Rainier this morning on a clear but windy day. The teams did not spend much time at the summit due to the winds. Once they return to Camp Muir the groups will continue their descent to Paradise. Congratulations to today's climbers!
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Big Congratulations to Dave & Chris and all the Climbers!!!

look forward to hearing more about the climb!!!!!

Posted by: Stephen Zink on 7/25/2019 at 4:06 am

Woohoooo! So excited and happy for you Brent and Marvin :) and ALL climbers!! Thanks so much for the update.

Posted by: Christine on 7/24/2019 at 1:07 pm

Mt. Rainier: July 20th Update

RMI Guides Mike Haugen and Alex Halliday reached the summit this morning at 8:45 a.m. The guides quoted, "It was a beautiful day to climb Mt. Rainier!" The team will spend some time on top before starting their descent back down to Paradise.
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Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team’s Adventure Complete

Monday, July 8, 2019 - 7:36 PM PT We woke up yesterday to a fabulous day to fly back to Talkeetna. Our monumental effort to get back to basecamp and the airstrip paid off as we barely had time to make coffee in the morning before the Otter ski planes came to pick us up. We returned to shocking 90 degree temperatures. Having been on an icy mountain for the better part of the month, our sweat glands definitely got a workout. The crew exploded their packs and duffel bags, dried out and sorted gear, and then repacked for our travels home. After a dinner to celebrate our amazing adventure together, everyone needed the sleep we were deprived of for the last few days. Thank you RMI Siete for the great adventure and the amazing efforts and attitude that lead to a very successful expedition. RMI Guide Mike Haugen
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Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team Arrive Back at Airstrip

We left 14,000' Camp this morning on a mission. We were going to make it to Kathiltna Basecamp. We packed up our heavy packs and sleds and headed downhill. The weather was just right for our long haul. We had a nice breeze all day that kept us from cooking on the sometimes brutally hot lower glacier. We worked our way well over 10 miles of glacier and finally found our way to a deserted Basecamp and airstrip. Since it was too late for the ski planes to come and pick us up, we hunkered down, set up camp, and ate a nice dinner. We even found a couple of beers in our cache. I wonder how those got there? RMI Guide Mike Haugen and Team Siete

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Welcome Home…almost.

Love Mom and Zeppelin

Posted by: Kristi Kennelly on 7/7/2019 at 9:46 am

Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team On Their Descent

Friday, July 5, 2019 - 11:02 PM PT We woke up when the direct sun hit our tents and sprung into action. We had done coffee and ate some breakfast and headed downhill. After a great climb along the ridge out of 17,000' Camp, we hit the fixed lines and made our way down to 14,000' Camp. Since the temperatures have been so warm lately, we decided to set up camp here at 14k. We will head further downhill when the temps are cooler and the glaciers are more frozen. We will see how far we make it on our walk out tomorrow. We may make it as far as Basecamp and catch a plane tomorrow. If the snow gets too soft, we can camp one more night and head back to Talkeetna the next day. Let's hope for a good freeze! RMI Guide Mike Haugen & Team Siete

On The Map

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I bet you are all ready to get off the mountain- Meghan did you bring any wine to celebrate?
Congratulations and hope everyone has an easy descent!
Hugs, Lisa

Posted by: Lisa Miller on 7/6/2019 at 10:43 am

Who ever thought you would need cooler temps to continue?  Prepare yourself.  It’s 100 degrees and higher, in many states throughout the US, and California has had its share of earthquakes/aftershocks during the past 2-3 days.

Enjoy yourselves and be safe as you complete this amazing journey. Kristen is looking forward to seeing you,Tym. Don’t forget to send a few pictures.


Love Mom and Zeppelin

Posted by: Kristi Kennelly on 7/6/2019 at 9:58 am

Haugen & Team Summit Denali!

Thursday, July 4, 2019 - 11:32 PM PT All of our hard work and efforts paid off today with a trip to the summit of Denali! As soon as we woke up, we knew the the mountain was finally inviting us to go to the top. Although there were some pretty good winds along the summit ridge, it was clear and sunny and it allowed us to achieve our objective. What a view from the top today! We are so proud of our team and all of their hard work! It has been a long day with over a 12-hour round trip from high camp! I think we need some sleep! RMI Guide Mike Haugen and Team Siete

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Congrats to all the climbers! Great job Meghan!! I admire all of u!! Gayle

Posted by: Gayle Conarello on 7/7/2019 at 6:01 pm

WOW, Andrew!  Congratulations!!!

Posted by: Paul Myers on 7/7/2019 at 12:37 am

Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team Continue to Wait

Wednesday, July 3, 2019 - 8:26 PM PT Another early morning peek out of the tent provided all we needed to know about how today was going to go...not very far. With terrible visibility and the sound of high winds above, we knew that we would add another tally mark on our tent wall! Although all of us are more than ready to head to the summit and then get out of here, we are not exactly suffering. In fact, it turned out to be a relatively nice day in camp even though the summit was still angry. We had some Mountain Pho (ramen) on our rock terrace at the edge of camp that looks 3,000 feet down to 14,000' Camp. It was good to have the whole team eating together instead of holed up in tents because of weather. It feels like the weather is changing in our favor. Of course, we have felt that way for days! We are in negotiations with Denali for a summit tomorrow. Although we never have the upper hand in weather negotiations with big mountains, I think this team has put in enough hard work and patience to use as a bargaining chip. Put in a good word for us! RMI Guide Mike Haugen & Team Siete

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Hi Megan, thinking of you and so proud of your accomplishments!! Glad u missed the earthquake. I hope Vicky is ok. Xo Gayle

Posted by: Gayle C on 7/5/2019 at 1:18 pm

Welllllllllllll. Lying in my comfy bed reading this and not wishing I was you guys, but then again you are all my hero’s so I guess I totally am wishing I was one of you. That’s exactly who you all are….the people the rest of us imagine to be or aspire to be. So for us….go get that mountain for all of us! You got time, tenacity and tons of people cheering you on….Mother Nature will give you her window soon. You got this, side salad!

Posted by: Shannon Henn on 7/4/2019 at 11:32 pm

Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team Not Yet!

Tuesday, July 2, 2019 - 7:49 PM PT We thought today would be our day... Until it wasn't. We woke up to blowing snow and zero visibility. It made our call easy once again. We thought that it would clear up later in the morning and give us a late try, but it has not cleared up all day. Oh well, we will wait! The team is doing well with all of the waiting at high camp, in spite of being in tents most of the day. The weather has not been terrible at high camp, just not good enough to climb. So, more waiting, sport eating, and good weather finger crossing for us! RMI Guide Mike Haugen & Team Siete

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Press button…get summit!

Posted by: Joe Horiskey on 7/3/2019 at 3:28 pm

Don’t let the weather get you down! If you get cold, just think about me and I’m sure that will heat things up ;)!

- XOXO <3

Posted by: Mackinzie on 7/3/2019 at 12:42 pm

Denali Expedition: Haugen & Team Waiting on Weather

Monday, July 1, 2019 - 9:24 PM PT Denali is a mountain that definitely tests a group's patience. We woke up around 6 to look at the weather and Denali was still a bit too testy up high for us to make our move. This is to be expected when climbing big mountains and our team has accepted this challenge of waiting like a cobra to strike at our good weather window.... which will hopefully be tomorrow. The team is in great spirits and spent the day resting up and sport eating so we have the energy to get to the summit. Although not as nice as 14k camp, 17k is treating us well. Keep your fingers crossed for us for tomorrow! RMI Guide Mike Haugen and Team Siete

On The Map

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Well let’s just say, “Buzzard Butthairs” to another day at 17,200, and good for you for patience and persistence. No Denali Demons allowed, and may you soon reach your goal. Keep up that strong spirit.


Love Mom and Zeppelin

Posted by: Kristi Kennelly on 7/2/2019 at 9:59 am

Wayne, Zach and Ian-how are those snacks tasting?  Hope you can summit today. Best wishes to the entire team. The summit awaits you!!!

Posted by: Aunt Kathy on 7/2/2019 at 8:49 am

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