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Entries By rosie hust

Mt. Rainier: Wittmier, Breen and Team Touch the Top!

RMI Guides Dustin Wittmier and Jackson Breen reached the top of Mt. Rainier this morning around 6:20am. They enjoyed the sunrise before starting their descent. 

The team will take a break at Camp Muir before starting their final descent back to Ashford for a celebratory dinner and certificate ceremony. Nice work team!

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Mt. Rainier: Five Day Climb Teams Summit on Clear, Windy Day

The Five Day Climb June 20 - 24 led by RMI Guides Ben Luedtke and Jess Wedel reached the summit of Mt. Rainier at 6:45 am.  The team enjoyed clear, sunny skies but a good bit of wind. There were able to spend an hour on the summit and started their descent from the crater rim around 8 am.  Once back at Camp Muir the teams will take a short break, pack up their gear and descend the remaining 4.5 miles Paradise.

Congratulations to today's climbers!

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Guys sorry I was too sick to go with you, but boy am I proud of all of you!  So nice to have met you all! Best of luck on your new adventures! God Bless until next time! Jamie

Posted by: Jamie Frampton on 6/26/2024 at 10:05 am

Congratulations!!! I’m hoping for the same fortunes in 2 weeks with my son!

Posted by: Scott Redfern on 6/25/2024 at 1:34 pm

Mt. Rainier: Bond, Wedel & Five Day Climb Update

The Five Day Climb reached Camp Muir after what we deemed “the spiciest snowfield ascent ever”. We worked together in high winds and low visibility to stay warm and keep climbing. After a night of higher winds, colder temperatures and more snow, we opted to do some training at Camp Muir. We started the morning with some avalanche basics culminating in digging pits to assess snow instability.  The results weren’t promising so as a team we made the safe, but hard, choice not to ascend any higher. The sun came out and we spent the day learning snow anchors, crevasse rescue and taking in the beautiful views from Camp Muir.

We’ll begin our descent to Paradise this morning and conclude our program this afternoon. All in all, this team unified in tough conditions to have an incredible climbing experience. 

RMI Guides Andy Bond and Jess Wedel

PC: Jess Wedel

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Amazing Experience!  Jess, Andy and all the Guides were phenomenal as they kept us safe and maintained High Spirits and PMA throughout a “Ghost Pepper Spicy” day.. Can’t wait to share pics and stay connected!  Couldn’t have picked a better group of people for a truly Epic Adventure!  Thank you RMI !

Posted by: Doug Thompson on 6/18/2024 at 11:24 am

“The summit is what drives us, but the climb itself is what matters.”

Couldn’t have asked for a better team to be with on a trip, summit or no summit. Hootah!!!

Posted by: Raleigh Hobson on 6/17/2024 at 8:21 pm

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